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- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Apple is introducing an upgraded IIC, new
- system software for the IIGS, and a new version of the Macintosh II
- at back-to-back events here. Apple also announced this past week that
- almost all its products have been hiked in price from 5% to 77%, a
- dramatic move based on high DRAM prices.
- The Apple II model introductions coincide with AppleFest, a revived
- trade show catering to Apple II users at Brooks Hall. But the
- announcement of the new Macintosh, slated for Monday, September 19,
- will be a separate event in a local meeting hall. Stories follow.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Apple Computer has upgraded its home computer, the
- Apple IIC, with a faster microprocessor, a built-in power supply, and
- a built-in 3.5" disk drive. Apple made the announcement at AppleFest,
- a trade show at San Francisco's Brooks Hall.
- The Apple IIC Plus is priced at $675 without monitor, a good $100 less
- than the original IIC pricing, clearly an effort by Apple to stay
- competitive in the highly price-sensitive home computer market.
- With monitor the cost is $859 compared to $950 for the earlier
- model. With a color monitor the cost is $1,099 compared to $1,203.
- Apple currently commands 12.4% of the home computer market in the
- U.S., according to Dataquest, a San Jose-based market research
- firm. Altogether Apple has sold 4.5 million units of the
- Apple II computers since their introduction in 1977.
- Apple says the new Plus is three times faster than the original IIC
- and the internal drive has five times the original's storage.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Apple has introduced new system software that
- improves the speed and performance of the IIGS computer. System
- Software 4.0 for the IIGS includes the first 16-bit operating system
- for the stand-alone Apple IIGS. The heart of the software is called
- the GS/OS which speeds up boot time, disk access time and program
- launch time. It also allows access to large file systems, including
- the High Sierra system used in CD-ROM applications. The new
- operating system is compatible with ProDOS 16 and 8. There is
- also a revised Finder application.
- Bundled free with all new IIGS computers, the system software is
- available separately, including two new utilities, from authorized
- Apple dealers for $39.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Claris Corporation has taken the wraps off a new
- version of its immensely popular AppleWorks product -- a IIGS version.
- The six-application AppleWorks IIGS includes spreadsheet, database,
- page layout, graphics, communications, and word processing which take
- advantage of the graphics and color of the IIGS computer.
- Development of the product was done by StyleWare, a Houston firm which
- Claris acquired in June. It was originally named GS Works. Claris
- says its engineers have spent the last few months completing development
- and testing the product. Priced at $299, the product is slated to
- ship within 30 days. An upgrade from AppleWorks version 2.1
- to AppleWorks GS is $99. All other version upgrades are $169.
- Registered owners of the product will receive notification of the
- new version by mail.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Apple Computer is renting the Herbst Theater
- on Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco for the unveiling of the latest
- Macintosh II -- a 68030-based machine aimed at A/UX users and which
- has a powerful new disk drive capable of reading IBM files. NEWSBYTES
- will have a news bulletin online Monday.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- MACWEEK magazine reports that Apple has a string
- of new Macintoshes slated for introductions through the second quarter
- of 1990. Quoting a confidential, internal Apple report, the magazine
- says the line-up includes a low-end, K-12 Macintosh, a laptop, and
- a 68030-based SE. The top of the line Macintosh, code-named Tower,
- will not appear until the fourth quarter of '89, nor will the K-12
- model, according to the magazine. Yet another Macintosh is code-
- named Four Square, said to be equipped with custom I/O chips, a
- 20 MHz 68030, and enhanced multitasking support.
- The magazine says it used as the source of this information a confidential
- memo circulated this past spring, and that current sources indicate
- the release dates on the new Macintoshes are optimistic.
- Apple refuses to comment on the reports.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Apple Computer has raised prices on nearly every
- product it sells by some 5 to 77%, blaming the increases on rising
- component costs and changing global market conditions.
- Effective immediately, the biggest jump for a computer is for the
- Macintosh II, which has leaped $1,100 higher, a 29% jump, to a base
- price of $4,869. The basic SE is $3,169 compared to $2,769, the
- IIGS is up to $1,149 from $999, the LaserWriter IINTX, the top of
- the line model, is $300 more expensive at $6,999, and virtually
- all memory expansion kits, controllers cards, disk drives, and
- monitors are up in price. The IIGS memory expansion card, for
- instance, is now 77% higher in price at $229 compared to $129
- last month.
- "Industry developments have prompted Apple to reprice some products
- so they are more in line with today's market realities," claims Charles
- Boesenberg, Apple USA senior VP of sales and marketing. He blames
- more costly channels for acquiring DRAM chips for increased costs.
- The only products which do not have a price increase are the Macintosh
- Plus, the Apple IIE, and the low-end LaserWriter IISC.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SANTA CLARA, Ca. (NB) -- The biggest-ever Seybold Conference on
- Desktop Publishing drew a stellar array of industry executives and
- some 12,000 attendees, bent on seeing first-hand the latest
- developments in this exploding field. But the speakers who
- addressed the crowd gave a wide variety of opinions, both optimistic
- and pessimistic, about the industry's current direction.
- The most controversial remarks came from Adobe Systems' John Warnock, chief
- executive and president. "The current state of affairs is just
- awful," he said, referring to the variety of operating systems and
- the industry's failure to standardize. "I think it's time we
- look at the industry as a whole and ask where we're going." "We
- need to develop standards, just like the recording industry."
- Stewart Alsop, publisher of PC LETTER, viewed the current state
- of the industry in a slightly more optimistic manner, saying that
- "chaos and transition are words that go together."
- As for the future, Alan Kay, Apple fellow, told the crowd that
- changes in the desktop publishing software field will soon lead to
- "software agents" which will "learn" a user's preferences and adjust
- accordingly.
- While no philosophical consensus could be found, the event was
- packed with plenty of new product announcements. Among them:
- - ADOBE SYSTEMS introduced a PC version of Adobe Illustrator. The
- PostScript language-based drawing package, called Windows Version,
- will retail for $695 when shipped later this year. Adobe is also
- offering a single hard drive which includes all Adobe
- typefaces. Adobe Font Folio, slated for shipments in November
- will sell for $9,600. Adobe also announced 13 new typeface
- packages.
- - ALDUS CORPORATION showed a major upgrade of Freehand. Freehand
- 2.0 has improved text-handling, color support, the ability to
- erase up to 100 previous actions through an Undo and Redo function,
- and an autotrace function. Current Freehand owners can upgrade
- for $85. New, the product costs $495. The product is expected to
- ship by year's end.
- - CRICKET SOFTWARE announced Cricket Presents...2.0, also due out
- by year's end. The upgrade, free to owners of the current version,
- has more word processing tools and the ability to import more files
- than the original.
- - LETRASET unveiled a version of Ready, Set, Go! which is used with
- a color pre-press system from Crosfield Electronics of England.
- - ODESTA introduced Odesta Document Management Systems which
- allows users to track changes made to a document when it is being
- edited by a group of people on a network.
- - QUARK showed QuarkStyle, a set of templates created for those
- who don't want to do it all from scratch. The templates have their
- own typeface and type fonts, columns, logo style, etc. There
- are 70 layout designs from which you can choose. Available in
- October for $100.
- (More on Seybold in YOU READ IT HERE FIRST.)
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- As reported in last week's NEWSBYTES, October
- 12 is the date Steve Jobs' NeXT will unveil its long-awaited
- workstation. Jobs, who spoke at the Seybold conference about the
- virtues of Unix, refused to divulge details of the machine. But
- others were not as reticent in discussing it. Said conference
- sponsor Jonathan Seybold, "the hype is warranted." "It'll be one
- of the major computers of the year," he said, claiming he has
- seen it, and adds that it's a "milestone product."
- Initial press reports indicate the workstation will have all
- the bells and whistles a user could want, including Unix and
- Display PostScript, as well as proprietary technology for digital
- sound and graphics, a built-in high-speed fax modem, and an erasable
- compact disk player for data storage. Speculation has it the 68030-based
- machine, physically a sleek black "box," could be priced as high
- as $6,000 per unit. It is also expected to be bundled with
- Mathematica, a new software package considered a breakthrough in
- the handling of complex mathematical problems.
- Meanwhile, THE NEW YORK TIMES reports that Jobs has been paid an
- estimated $1 to $2 million to develop a version of his proprietary
- interface for Big Blue. The newspaper reports that IBM will
- use the interface for machines which run the Unix operating system.
- And finally, Apple has promised not to raise its legal hackles
- over Jobs' new machine. Apple reports it inspected the workstation
- in January, as per an agreement reached with Jobs when he left
- Apple three years ago, and found that it did not violate any Apple
- copyrights or steal any proprietary technology.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SAN JOSE (NB) -- Former Rolm executives believe they've got a product
- which will revolutionize the business of local area networks, and they'll
- put it in front of the public Tuesday, September 20. The product
- called Ultra is said to be capable of transmitting one billion bits
- per second, or the contents of an entire encyclopedia in a few
- seconds. Ultra officials say this speed is 100 times faster than
- Ethernet.
- Ken Oshman, chairman of Ultra Network Technologies, says several
- mini supercomputer makers will announce their endorsement of the product,
- including Mips Computer Systems, Alliant Computers, Stellar
- Computers, and Convex Computer Corporation.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LOS ANGELES (NB) -- Ashton-Tate's Chairman is holding fast to his
- promise to ship dBase IV by September 30. He reaffirmed the launch
- date to the audience at last week's developer's conference. Esber
- said final quality checks are complete and the product is ready
- to go out the door.
- Meanwhile, Ashton-Tate also introduced two new dBase development
- products -- dBase Professional Compiler and Step IVward. The
- dBase Professional Compiler is slated for release in the first
- quarter of 1989 and Step IVward, a dialect code converter which
- translates code from Clipper, FoxBase and Quicksilver, is expected
- to ship this fall.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- CUPERTINO, Ca. (NB) -- Apple Computer has hired a group of
- nationally recognized educators as Educational Technology Consulants.
- The team will work with administrators and state officials to
- identify major educational issues regarding technology and advise
- them on long-range planning. They will also work with Apple's
- regional and corporate education marketing executives to keep Apple's
- staff apprised of the concerns and requirements of the schools.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca. (NB) -- Silicon Graphics has announced that IBM
- has decided to endorse its 3D graphics technology called IRIS.
- Under the terms of the agreement, IBM will purchase IRIS graphics
- cards and will license the Silicon Graphics' IRIS Graphics
- Library, or use by IBM customers in IBM products. "The agreement
- reinforces our long-time conviction that three dimensional graphics
- will become a mainstream technology in the computer industry," says
- Edward McCracken, president and CEO of Silicon Graphics.
- Silicon Graphics, which would not put a price on the deal, has the
- largest base of 3D applications in the world and the company
- expects that most of the nearly 300 software titles available
- through its Geometry Partners Program will also be available to
- IBM customers.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- their assistance to Amnesty International at a news conference slated
- for September 23. The concert benefiting the human rights group will
- be in Oakland the next day. Stay tuned on this one.
- CLARIS CORPORATION, Mountain View, Ca., is said to be close to signing
- a major lease on a headquarters which will be triple the size of
- its current workspace. If culminated, the deal will place Claris in
- North Santa Clara rather than Mountain View, sometime soon.
- Austin, Texas, have reached a tentative agreement with MOTOROLA not
- to use or disclose any confidential information. The two firms
- were sued in a trade secret dispute late last month.
- HEWLETT PACKARD, Palo Alto, Ca., has been accused of 80 waste law
- violations by California's Department of Health Services and the state
- Attorney General, all of which carry fines of up to $25,000 per day.
- HP is accused of mislabeling and failing to keep track of hazardous
- waste used in manufacturing at its plant at 1501 Page Mill Road.
- HP has not commented, saying it has yet to receive a copy of the complaint.
- MICROSOFT, Redmond, Wa., has released a 20,000 page, searchable
- CD-ROM disk containing the Microsoft Programmer's Library. The
- disk also includes 1,200 sample programs. Available through software
- and hardware stores, the Microsoft Programmer's Library costs $395.
- SUPERMAC TECHNOLOGY, Mountain View, Ca., has returned to the hands of
- its founder Steven Edelman, in a $8.5 million leveraged buyout from
- Scientific Micro Systems.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- MIDWEST reported that Networking and World Information (NWI), an
- online service offering computer conferencing and private
- networks, was bought-out by a management team headed by Phil
- Moore. Since then, it has been re-negotiating supplier contracts
- under the new ownership.
- Most saw no problems. Telenet, however, has proven intractable.
- NEWSBYTES has learned from sources at both NWI and Telenet that
- the old owners of NWI were holding up on a $61,000 Telenet bill
- in order to get roughly $360,000 which Sprint, like Telenet a
- subsidiary of US Sprint, owed NWI. After the sale, Telenet
- accountants threatened to cut off the new NWI unless it put up a
- $60,000 deposit. NWI then cut off Telenet on its own, telling its
- users to switch switches September 2. (Tymnet and Infonet both
- maintain packet connections with NWI.)
- Officially, Telenet finds nothing wrong with this. "If
- Bloomingdale's owed you some money and you owed Rich's, would the
- two balance out because they're both Federated Department
- Stores?" asks Telenet spokesman Robin Carlson. Unofficially
- NEWSBYTES has learned Telenet's legal department wanted to settle
- the problem amicably, while Telenet's sales department has reason
- to be angry with the company's credit and billing people. (Gary
- Miller, who heads credit and billing in Reston, VA, gave a terse
- "no comment" when NEWSBYTES asked what was going on.)
- The fact is, this is a poor situation for everybody. Poorer still
- have been attempts by Telenet salesmen to kill this story, and
- the possibility that one or more may be fired because NEWSBYTES
- learned of it.
- CONTACT: Robin Carlson, TELENET, (703)689-6000
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SANTA MONICA, CA (NB) -- Sometime next January, Santa Monica will
- become the first online city. Using a Hewlett-Packard 9000 mini-
- computer running Unix and a $10,000 computer conferencing system
- called Caucus, city officials will be able to answer questions
- and conduct debates even with citizens who never leave their
- homes. Lisa Carlson of Metasystems Design, the licensor of
- Caucus, tells NEWSBYTES "They're going to make available all
- public information, things like city council agendas, staff
- reports, court calendars, available online. Anything you could
- walk into City Hall and get, you'll get online."
- This city on the beach near Los Angeles is often referred to
- (jokingly) as "The People's Republic of Santa Monica." Its
- liberal politics and radical chic residents, like Jane Fonda and
- her ex-radical husband Tom Hayden, make such potshots easy. But
- here's something you can't laugh off.
- More important, Carlson says, is the conferencing system, through
- which city officials hope to learn what their constituents want
- from government. "They can handle up to 64 simultaneous users,"
- she says. Metasystems is training moderators who can keep
- political discussions from getting out of hand. "Some abusers
- will turn up," she says. "If someone is a problem they may get
- thrown out of certain meetings, just as they'd be thrown out of a
- city council meeting if they started harranguing people there."
- Anyone who lives or works in Santa Monica will have access to
- Caucus after January, once they complete a request form with
- their real name and address on it. There are urban-based
- conferencing systems elsewhere, Carlson concludes, like
- Cleveland's Freenet and Boston's Citinet. "The key is this is the
- first one is city-sponsored."
- CONTACT: Lisa Carlson, METASYSTEMS, (213)451-0676
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- ST LOUTS (NB) -- Southwestern Bell has announced details of its
- Gateway tests. They turn out to be joint-ventures with existing
- online and audiotex service suppliers. Neither Gateway will come
- online until next March.
- US Videotel, which distributes Minitel terminals to its users,
- will expand into the PC market to handle the gateway, which
- offers users of many different databases one standard way to
- manipulate online data. Audio Information Sciences will handle
- the audiotex portion of the text, accessible with any touchtone
- phone. Southwestern Bell has yet to name its Gateway (how about
- Taco Bell?), but the results of the trial is expected to be a
- huge increase in US Videotel's business.
- AIS, Marlton, NJ, which operates an audiotex service bureau, will
- run the audiotex portion of the test. They promise things like
- Talking Yellow Pages, Voice Messaging and Voice Mail. The company
- was spun-out of TeleSciences Inc. in January by private
- investors.
- It is no accident that this announcement has come during the
- political campaign. In concert with Ameritech, US West and the
- other Regional Bell Companies, Southwestern Bell hopes to
- convince Congress and the next administration to remove all
- regulatory restraints so they can take over the information
- business, subsidizing it with profits from running their phone
- monopolies. Want proof? NEWSBYTES talked to Southwestern Bell
- project manager Karen Daniels, who admits she's a phone services
- salesperson just assigned to the project. If this weren't a PR
- plant, it wouldn't be announced until she had her feet on the
- ground and more than a few briefings under her belt.
- CONTACT: Bill Motchan, SOUTHWESTERN BELL (314)247-4613
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- WASHINGTON (NB) -- Following a spectacular rise which saw
- information budgets double since 1982, federal spending on
- computer technology is leveling off, according to a study from
- the Office of Management and Budget reported in "Government
- Computer News." Information technology spending will be up just
- 3% in the next fiscal year, but the market will be worth $17
- billion to providers that year. NASA (the space station and
- shuttle) and the Department of Transportation (new air traffic
- control systems) show the biggest increases this coming year.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- DALLAS (NB) -- Continuing a trend of large vendors sponsoring
- their own trade shows, Novell will take over the Dallas Infomart
- for its NetWorld '88 show September 27-29. A total of 200
- exhibitors are slated to attend, and about 12,000 decision-
- makers are expected to view them. Software vendors like
- WordPerfect will show their LAN-compatible products, computer
- makers like Compaq will show how easy it is to use their PCs as
- terminals, and micro-mainframe vendors like DCA will show their
- Novell-compatible connections. The whole show will be wired with
- a 400-node Novell NetWare Local Area Network. And that's not all.
- Novell will host its first NetWorld in Europe as part of the
- Hanover Fair March 8-15, 1989.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- CHICAGO (NB) -- Ameritech, the midwestern Bell Company, is
- getting out of the software business. The company announced it
- sold its Applied Data Research unit to Computer Associates
- International Inc., Garden, City, NY.
- This makes CAI the world's first $1 billion software company,
- CAI already has earned a reputation as the "Frank Lorenzos" of
- the software business, ready and eager to slash salaries, perks
- and incentives to build profits. A few months ago, CAI made a run
- at Management Science America Inc., an old-style IBM mainframe
- applications shop in Atlanta which prided itself on building
- "team spirit" through shared incentives and big salaries until
- the profits disappeared late last year. CAI Chairman Charles Wang
- told "The Wall Street Journal" he may cut up to 20% of ADR's
- staff to make the new subsidiary profitable. At a time when even
- Lotus Development is sagging because high-priced management can't
- get its act together, CAI bears continued watching.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- ASKSAM SYSTEMS, Perry, FL, shipped version 4.1 of its askSAM
- information manager for the PC. The new version includes a dialog
- facility which lets users predefine variables which appear as
- prompts when the program is running.
- EDS, Dallas, bought half of China Management Systems of Taiwan,
- the largest data processing concern on the island nation.
- THE SOFTWARE LINK, Atlanta, announced its products are now part
- of the General Services Administration's Schedule C, meaning
- government departments can buy its Local Area Network products,
- terminal emulators and operating system without red tape.
- VORTEX TECHNOLOGY, Topanga, CA, introduced a package called UU-
- Link which turns any DOS-compatible PC into a node on the UUCP
- network without additional hardware or software.
- ZENITH was sued by BROOKHURST PARTNERS, a New York investment
- group which seeks to force the sale of its computer and TV
- businesses. Losses in the divisions have caused Zenith to lose
- money as a company.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- Copyright 1988/Written by W. A. Yacco, Exclusive to NEWSBYTES
- In this week's installment...
- The Seybold Desktop Publishing Conference....parties, new products,
- rumors, and riddles....
- SANTA CLARA, Ca (NB) -- The Seybold Desktop Publishing
- Conference has just ended for all time. That's it. There's no
- more. Never. Next year the conference from Seybold will be the
- Computer Publishing Conference.
- As for this year, the top party was the "Publish!" bash featuring
- Pride and Joy. What a band. "PC Magazine" was so desperate to get
- someone to show up at their museum soiree that they ended up
- giving their usually-exclusive invitations away at the door to
- anyone who was interested. Apparently, not many were--despite a
- sit-down dinner. Just shows to go ya, song overpowers wine. So
- far, no one has really tested the other leg of the triangle.
- . . . The hottest software at the show was probably a trio of
- packages from Adobe, Computer Support Corporation and Digital
- Research. The respective packages, Illustrator for the PC, Arts
- and Letters Editor and Art Line, will be going head to head for
- the PC DTP dollar within a couple of months. Adobe plans to
- ship about November while Digital expects have its entry in the
- market a month from now. Arts and Letters should be out even
- sooner. All three products will offer more publishing power to
- the PC user than ever before. If it can just get some gray
- scales on its page-layout screens, the PC may yet start to give
- the MAC fits on its home turf.
- . . . (NB) -- If you're a PC user, MiGraph wants to be
- YourGraph. The company has plans to convert its Atari
- applications and clip art libraries to the PC in the near future.
- The ScanArt library of 100 images was made available in June in
- the GEM .IMG format. Now, the DrawArt library of 150 .GEM files
- is to be shipped this week. In addition, the Touch-Up image-
- design tool for producing bit-mapped graphics on the Atari ST is
- to be released for the PC this January.
- . . . (NB) -- Soft Logik Publisher is just about ready for the
- ST. The company is modest in its claims: just a combination of
- Ventura Publisher, Page Maker and Quark Express. They do four-
- color separations, encapsulated PostScript files, fancy kerning
- and three-axis text rotation of text, all at very high
- resolution. In two weeks, Atari owners can judge for themselves.
- Versions are planned for the Amiga and Mac in about one and six
- months respectively.
- . . . (NB) -- Bitstream was announcing deals all over the place
- with Xerox, Xenographics, Xyquest and Borland jumping on board
- for FontWare integration into their products. Read that last
- sentence again. Doesn't one of those names seem strangely out
- of place? Is that a weird announcement or what? With all of
- this activity at the end of the alphabet, I'm surprised that I'm
- not bundling the stuff.
- . . . (NB) -- Z-Soft is another of the guys at the end of the
- alphabet, besides yours truly, that`s not on that font wagon.
- Look for a future release of Publisher's Type Foundry to feature
- the Compugraphics Intellifont logic instead. With this addition,
- users will be able to intelligently scale fonts during
- rasterization (conversion from outline to bit mapped).
- . . . (NB) -- Meanwhile, Xyquest has more to announce than a
- font-conversion program. In fact, they were so excited that they
- never mentioned it. The folks in the booth were too busy telling
- me about the unannounced, Lotus-style menus and context-sensitive
- help systems that will be added to Xywrite in mid October.
- According to Executive VP Harry Dahl, the new release "will allow
- the casual user to experience the speed, power and flexibility of
- Xywrite." Well, after all, if not, why bother? Anybody can
- experience the power of Xywrite right now if they're willing to
- expend their youth learning it. Making this product easy to
- learn could give it the market penetration needed to reach that
- all-important critical mass of installed users.
- . . . -- Clinton Nagy, national sales manager for Adobe Systems
- dropped a minor bombshell here when Johnathan Seybold asked the
- question, "Will there be Display Postscript for the Macintosh
- whether Apple supports it or not?" The answer, "yes," was
- quickly followed by, "I wish I hadn't said that." So, now we
- know Clinton--and so, presumably, does Apple.
- . . . (NB) -- There's nothing better than being at the right
- place at the right time. Luckily, I was on the shuttle to the
- Marriott along with Micrografx' Chief Executive Paul Grayson,
- just when he decided to reveal one of the company's most closely
- guarded secrets. Get ready for an emulation package that will
- allow any Microsoft Windows application to run under the OS/2
- Presentation Manager without modification. IBM should give these
- guys a prize. Something like this could benefit the whole MCA
- strategy.
- . . . (NB) -- Apple wasn't talking but the company network may
- have sprung a minor leak last Wednesday at a press reception
- here in Santa Clara's Double Tree hotel. As company flacks
- invited guests to the Monday announcement in San Francisco, at
- least one ungrateful member of the fourth estate seemed to elicit
- confirmation that the announcement would concern the MAC II with
- a 68030 processor. Is this still news? Still, any confirmation
- is better than a pure guess.
- . . . (NB) -- Expect to see the PC Album from PC Manager, Inc.
- announced this Thursday. The company claims to have a
- breakthrough in integrated image databases. Anyway, it does
- store full-color graphics along with text.
- TORRANCE, Ca (NB) -- Ed Esber still seems to be at the helm of A-
- T despite rumors to the contrary that were reported here last
- week. Well, I said they seemed unlikely. What many thought
- would be equally unlikely is the timely release of dBASE IV on
- September 30. However, that eventuality is virtually assured
- with the certification last Friday that signaled an end to
- testing of the final code. According to my inside source, the
- certification was confirmed by employees checking their company
- mail. Congratulations Taters on finding a use for e-mail.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TORONTO (NB) -- Dell Computer Corp. chose the official launch of its
- Canadian subsidiary Sept. 15 as the occasion to launch a new computer
- using a 25-megahertz 80386 processor. Dell claims its new System 325
- is the fastest PC on the market, beating the Compaq 386/25 and the IBM
- PS/2 Model 70-A21 in standard benchmark tests.
- The System 325 is available with 5.25-inch or 3.5-inch diskette
- drives, and with hard disk drives from 150 to 610 megabytes. Two
- megabytes of random-access memory is standard, but the motherboard
- can accommodate up to 16 megabytes. VGA monochrome, color and color-
- plus monitors are available. Prices start at C$11,399.
- Other Dell models are also now available in Canada. Dell plans to
- begin an extensive advertising campaign here by the end of September.
- One of the company's selling points is a one-year on-site service
- contract included in the purchase price. Dell will provide its own
- service in the Toronto area; the rest of the country will be served by
- Honeywell Bull under a service contract.
- CONTACT: DELL COMPUTER CORP., 2 East Beaver Creek Rd.,
- Richmond Hill, Ont. L4B 2N3, (416) 881-3513
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- MARKHAM, Ont. (NB) -- Businessland Canada Ltd., a wholly owned
- subsidiary of the U.S. dealer chain Businessland Inc., has bought the
- microcomputer sales operation of Anderson-Jacobson Canada Ltd.
- Because Anderson-Jacobson was an authorized IBM dealer, this paves the
- way for Businessland to get IBM authorization here. Bob Henderson,
- vice-president and general manager of the Toronto-based operation,
- explained to NEWSBYTES CANADA that IBM Canada has all the dealers it
- wants at present, so in order to get authorization, his firm needed to
- acquire an existing dealer. This still doesn't guarantee
- authorization, but in view of Businessland's status in the U.S., IBM's
- approval is probably a mere formality.
- Unlike its American parent, Businessland Canada plans no storefront
- operations. It will rely entirely on its sales force, Henderson said,
- and he added that the U.S. parent is also moving toward that approach.
- Businessland Canada plans to expand across Canada as opportunities
- appear, probably through more acquisitions, Henderson said.
- Markham, Ont. L3R 3W4, (416) 470-6695
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- BURNABY, B.C. (NB) -- Bedford Software Ltd. has hired Alex L. Morton,
- veteran marketer and Borland International Inc.'s first vice-president
- of marketing and sales. Morton becomes vice-president of marketing at
- Bedford. He succeeds Tom O'Flaherty, a co-founder of the accounting
- software vendor, who has resigned "to pursue other business
- initiatives," according to Bedford.
- Morton designed the initial marketing strategy that started Borland's
- five-year climb to current annual sales of US$76.5 million. Most
- recently, he was president of the U.S. operations of Consumers
- Software Inc., a Vancouver software house.
- CONTACT: BEDFORD SOFTWARE LTD., Suite 201, 4180 Lougheed Hwy.,
- Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6A7, (604) 294-2394, Fax (604) 294-2483
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- MARKHAM, Ont. (NB) -- Apple Canada Inc. has increased suggested retail
- prices for the latest Macintosh models and LaserWriter printer memory.
- The increases were blamed on the shortage of dynamic random-access
- memory chips.
- The price of a Macintosh SE with dual 800K drives goes from C$4,795 to
- C$5,150. The price of a Macintosh II with 40-MB hard disk and a
- megabyte of RAM rises from C$9,150 to C$9,829. A one-megabyte memory
- expansion for the LaserWriter, formerly C$572, will rise to C$770, and
- a four-megabyte expansion goes from C$2,876 to C$3,700. All the
- increases take effect October 1.
- CONTACT: APPLE CANADA INC., 7495 Birchmount Rd., Markham,
- Ont. L3R 5G2, (416) 477-5800
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TORONTO (NB) -- Two years ago, ATI Technologies Inc. had four
- employees. Today it has 85, and the manufacturer of personal computer
- video boards just moved into new 33,000-square-foot facilities. Bob
- Arthur, director of marketing for ATI, said the company has 85 per
- cent of the Canadian market for PC video cards. And only 20 per cent
- of its total sales are in Canada.
- Arthur is worried, however, about shipments to the U.S. Earlier this
- year, a shipment of ATI cards was seized by U.S. customs authorities
- at Buffalo, N.Y. The reason given was concern that some chips used in
- the cards might violate IBM copyrights. Finally IBM inspected the
- cards, said they were okay, and the shipment proceeded. But what
- really bothers Arthur is that the Canadian government was able to do
- nothing about the problem. They were "absolutely and pathetically
- useless," he told NEWSBYTES CANADA. And he added that if the federal
- government can't protect Canadian manufacturers any better than that,
- a free trade agreement with the U.S. is not a good idea.
- CONTACT: ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC., 3761 Victoria Park Ave.,
- Scarborough, Ont., (416) 756-0711
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- SASKATOON (NB) -- Develcon Electronics Ltd., after treading red ink
- for the past four years, expects a profit in the current quarter and
- the fiscal year. And the company is setting its sights on new
- markets: internetworking, the integrated services digital network (
- ISDN) and X.25 packet switching.
- Develcon's recent focus has been selling its Develnet product as a
- data PBX. Now the company is repositioning Develnet as an
- internetworking system. And at a Toronto press conference Sept. 14,
- Develcon announced its first X.25 switches and packet assembler-
- disassembler (PAD) units, as well as I-Gate 8000, a series of ISDN
- multiplexing and gateway products.
- Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 5C7, (306) 933-3300, Telex 074-2780
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- MISSISSAUGA, Ont. (NB) -- Canadian Satellite Communications Inc.
- officially opened the master control centre for its very-small-
- aperture terminal (VSAT) satellite communications service on September
- 12. The hub will be the centre of a nationwide VSAT service that will
- provide data communications and business television signals. First
- customers are Co-operators Data Services Ltd. of Mississauga, which
- provides computer services to financial institutions, and Canadian
- Tire Corp. of Toronto, a hardware and auto parts chain with 360
- locations across Canada. The hub is located at an established
- computer recovery facility, so that Cancom customers who lose data
- processing facilities in a fire or other disaster can set up
- communications to the recovery site easily.
- CONTACT: CANCOM, 50 Burnamthorpe Rd. W., Suite 1000,
- Mississauga, Ont. L5B 3C2, (416) 272-4960, Fax (416) 272-3399
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- OTTAWA (NB) -- Canada will get the world's first commercial satellite-
- based mobile communications system. Telesat Canada and two as-yet-
- unnamed partners will launch a satellite in 1992 that will serve
- mobile voice and data terminals anywhere in Canada. The service is
- "driven by need primarily," said David Sward, manager of business
- development for Telesat. He added that the U.S., Japan and Australia
- also have plans for MSAT services, but Canada's is expected to be in
- operation first.
- A personal computer connected to an MSAT transponder would be able to
- transmit data from anywhere in Canada, even from an isolated northern
- community or the cabin of a fishing boat on the Gulf of St. Lawrence,
- by bouncing it off Telesat's satellite. Trucking companies and
- governments are expected to be major users. Sward said the federal
- Department of Communications has already signed an agreement with
- Telesat to buy C$126.5 million worth of bandwidth -- about 10 per cent
- of the system's capacity.
- Telesat Canada will own 50 per cent of the new venture, called Telesat
- Mobile Inc. A Japanese firm will own another 20 per cent, and the
- remainder will be held by another Canadian partner. Neither of the
- other partners has been named. Telesat Mobile will also have an
- agreement with its U.S. counterpart, the American Mobile Satellite
- Consortium, which will allow subscribers to each service to roam in
- the other's territory, and allow the Canadian and American satellites
- to act as backups for each other.
- CONTACT: TELESAT CANADA, 333 River Rd., Ottawa, Ont. K1L 8B9,
- (613) 746-5920
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- VANCOUVER (NB) -- Integra Systems Inc. has signed a deal with
- BellSouth Advanced Networks. The BellSouth subsidiary is to
- distributed advanced versions of Integra's SofTerm EFT/POS terminal.
- Roslyn Stanley, a spokeswoman for Integra, said the three-year-old
- company has always been active in the U.S., but this is its first
- contract with one of the Bell operating companies and Integra is
- "really proud that they've chosen a small, start-up, Canadian company."
- The value of the deal isn't being announced, but it has the
- potential to be worth plenty to Integra, Stanley said.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- ORACLE CORPORATION CANADA INC., Toronto, has signed a co-operative
- marketing agreement with COMPUTERLAND CANADA for distribution of its
- personal computer software products.
- Mississauga, Ont., will help fund a faculty chair in microelectronics
- research at McGill University in Montreal. The Natural Sciences and
- Engineering Research Council and the university itself will also
- contribute.
- TELECOM LTD., Mississauga, Ont., a contract to supply more than C$40
- million worth of digital telecommunications equipment. The gear will
- help make SaskTel the first Canadian telephone company with a fully
- digital network.
- PEAT MARWICK, the multinational accounting firm, will market a
- computer-aided software engineering (CASE) product developed in
- Quebec. Peat Marwick is setting up a subsidiary, Zerotime, in
- Longueil, Que., to market the software.
- John Thompson, president and chief executive of IBM CANADA LTD., has
- been named to the board of directors of the TORONTO-DOMINION BANK,
- Canada's fifth-largest bank.
- THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO will spend C$1 million on a project to assess
- the use of personal computers in classrooms in London, Ont. The
- project is a joint effort of the provincial government, the London
- Board of Education and the University of Western Ontario, also located
- in London. The school chosen, by the way, is in Ontario Premier David
- Peterson's home riding.
- CALL-NET COMMUNICATIONS INC., Toronto, has been refused a stay of
- execution by the Federal Court of Appeal. Call-Net wanted the court
- to reverse a Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
- Commission (CRTC) decision that let Bell Canada disconnect lines the
- CRTC decided Call-Net was reselling illegally. Now Call-Net is
- appealing to the federal cabinet.
- appointed John J. Leppik chairman of its management board. A former
- director of IBM Canada Laboratories, Leppik headed a study team that
- earlier this year reported favorably on the centre's activities. The
- centre manages a supercomputer installed at the University of Toronto.
- AUDIOVIDEO SPECIALISTS INC., Montreal, announced that Amstrad plc's PC
- 2000 line of personal computers will be available in Canada in the
- first quarter of 1989. The line includes machines based on the 8086,
- 80286 and 80386 processors.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Seiko-Epson has developed and released a high-end
- model of its 16-bit personal computer, which is compatible with
- NEC's PC-9800 series. The PC286X has an 80286 CPU, and
- is capable of the same high-speed data processing as 32-bit
- personal computers, according to the company.
- The new clone, attached with two 5.25-inch FDDs, is priced at
- 438,000 yen or $3,300. Seiko-Epson has set the price lower
- than NEC's low-priced 32-bit machine, which is priced at 498,000
- yen or $3,700. Also, options include an 80-megabyte hard disk
- drive or a CD-ROM unit.
- With the release of these compatibles, Seiko-Epson has launched an
- aggressive sales pitch. Though the company had expected to sell
- 150,000 units of NEC-compatible machines this year, it suddenly changed
- that figure to between 180,000 and 200,000 units.
- CONTACT: Seiko-Epson, 3-3-5 Yamato, Suwa-shi, Nagano 392
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Matsushita Electric will release two models of
- its 16-bit laptop personal computers with 16-color gradation.
- The display has high resolution of 640 x 400 pixels, and its
- gradation can be changed to 2, 4, or 8 gradation. The CPU is an
- Intel 80286. CV.M353 measures 300mm width x 96mm height x 370mm
- depth. The operating system is MS-DOS, however, Matsushita
- expects to provide OS/2 starting next spring.
- CV.M353FD has two 3.5-inch FDDs, weighs 7.5kg, and will be priced
- at 428,000 yen or $3,200. CV.M353HD has a 20 megabyte HDD and 3.5-
- inch FDD, weighs 7.6kg, and will be priced at 568,000 yen or
- $4,200.
- Matsushita will supply CV.M353 to Fujitsu on an OEM basis.
- Fujitsu expects to release them as Fujitsu's laptop machines
- in its FMR series.
- CONTACT: Matsushita Electric, 1006 Oaza-Monma,
- Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Tateishi Electric has developed a desktop,
- 32-bit engineering workstation which it plans to release on
- October 17.
- The Holonic Workstation LUNA is based on Motorola's 20MHz
- 68030, and is capable of high-speed data processing at 4 M.I.P.S.
- LUNA has a large memory capacity; the main memory can be
- extended to 16 megabytes, and a built-in hard disk can be
- upgraded to 172 megabytes. The workstation supports three operating
- systems as part of its original Unios series, based on UNIX-system V.
- Also, LUNA supports high-speed C Compiler. The basic price will be
- 550,000 yen or $ 4,000.
- CONTACT: Tateishi Electric, 3-4-10 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Taiwan's Computer Show was held for the first time
- in Tokyo-Kaikan in Japan September 13 through 14. The
- Taiwanese companies, including Acer and Mitac, participated in the
- exhibition, showing off their IBM PC-compatible machines with
- 80286 or 80386 microprocessors.
- Acer and Mitac exhibited their AX machines which display and process
- the Japanese language. AX, which is compatible with IBM PC, was
- originally developed by Japanese companies.
- Mitac's best-selling machine is Paragon 386. The machine,
- despite a 33% smaller footprint than the IBM PC/AT, is attached with
- two 5.25-inch FDDs and two 3.5-inch FDDs. Modern Computer is
- the mecca of laptop and portable machines in Taiwan. The company
- was the only one showing laptop PCs at the exhibition. The best-
- selling machines are its laptop LP-3300-6 and LP-3300-4 with 80286-
- based CPU and a weight of 16 lbs. Minta is selling its Minta 8088
- system quite well in Europe.
- Acer's spokesman Mr. Kageyama confessed that it is very hard to
- enter the Japanese market, for the Taiwan companies have very few
- clients in Japan. The main problem seems to be NEC, whose PC-9800
- is the overwhelming choice by most Japanese PC buyers. Plus,
- IBM-compatible machines have a limited market in Japan. Meanwhile,
- regarding the shortage of memory chips, Acer might be short of 80386's
- in this quarter.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- For the first time, a computer virus has been found in
- Japan's largest personal computer network, PC-VAN, a system operated by
- NEC. Viral infection of computers has occurred here before, but has
- plagued only US-made computers. This is the first incidence of a virus
- invading Japan-made machines. This virus reportedly affects NEC's
- PC-9800 series, of which there are over one million users in Japan.
- The virus is hidden in e-mail and sent to members of the network.
- If a message is read, the virus infects the machine's operating system.
- Then, during the next access to PC-VAN, the virus starts a program to
- encode the victim's password and sends it to a specific board in the
- network. The writer of the virus program can put his communication
- charge on the stolen account -- even can spend the victim's money to
- do online shopping!
- Fortunately, no serious harm has resulted from the viral invasion
- yet, but NEC has sent a warning through its network to users, asking
- them to refuse uncertain messages.
- CONTACT: NEC, 1-4-28 Mita, Minatoku, Tokyo 108
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Tokyo-based optical glass maker Hoya has realized
- the world's first magnetic disk with glass substratum. It has a
- memory capacity of 4 to 5 times larger than aluminum substratum.
- The price of the 3.5-inch disk is $20 and 5.25-inch is $25, prices which
- are about 20% higher than aluminum substratum ones. However, the
- production cost which provides the same memory capacity will be
- reduced by one-third to half.
- Hoya will produce the glass substratum in Japan. After that, its
- U.S. subsidiary, Hoya Electronics in San Jose, will combine it with
- magnetic recording film and supply it to device makers.
- CONTACT: Hoya, 2-7-5 Naka-Ochiai, Sinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- NEW PS/55 FROM IBM JAPAN -- IBM Japan has announced its PS/55
- Model 5500 S/T. The CPU is Intel's 32-bit i80386. The new model
- will be shipped at the end of this month, with the basic price of
- 680,000 yen or $5,000.
- NEW 32-BIT IBM COMPATIBLE MACHINE DUE -- Tokyo-based venture
- computer maker Proside has announced it will market two models
- of IBM/AT compatible 32-bit personal computers on September 20th.
- The new models have a lightning-fast processing speed of 4.25 MIPS
- with Intel's 80386, a speed ranked above its P286/386AU series.
- The basic price of the X20C series is 698,000 yen or $5,170 and the
- X25 series is 648,000 yen or $4,800.
- has revealed a long-term project to win the distinction of
- being among the 10 largest companies in the semiconductor field
- by the year 2000. With volume production of 1M and 256K DRAMs
- and SRAMs, Gold Star aims to obtain 5% of the world semiconductor market.
- completed expansion of its Mie factory on September 17. The
- latest high technology line has been introduced with this expansion
- which allows research, development and trial work of
- semiconductors for next generation computers beyond 4M DRAMs.
- Fujitsu has been considering construction of one more line in a remaining
- space of its Mie factory based on the output of its other factories in
- Iwate, Japan and Oregon, U.S.
- INTEL TO FIND ANOTHER MARKET -- Intel Japan has announced that
- 25 directors of its U.S. parent company will visit Japan on the 29th
- of this month. The mission is to do research in such non-computer
- fields as the creation of micro-prompt controllers which are in
- use by the car and consumer electronic industries.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (NB) -- A series of pilot projects to develop
- electronic transmission of operating data between transport
- companies in Europe is to be launched in Brussels this week. The
- project is in the framework of the COST program (European
- Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research).
- The project involves the standardization of document format
- throughout the EC which will have an impact upon electronically
- transmitted documents, as well as paper documents which
- currently account for about 4% of the total cost of shipping.
- The documents will follow the format agreed in 1987 at the
- UN/Economic Commission for Europe and on the UN/Trade Data
- Elements Directory.
- The purpose of the demonstration phase of the COST-306 project
- is to use the messages in trials in a variety of transport
- environments within Western Europe. Interest in trial
- participation has been widespread and to date about 10 technical
- transport chains have been established. It is hoped that the
- results of these pilot phases will show that the use of
- standardized electronic documents will cut down costs
- considerably within Europe.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- ATHENS, GREECE (NB) -- Greece, although a member of the
- European Community since 1981, still appears ignorant of the fact
- that laptops and other electronic material are the norm for business
- in many countries.
- This reporter, during his last trip to the sunbathed country,
- was stopped by customs officials and detained for about one hour
- explaining to the customs officer what a laptop is, what
- a video camera does, and what an amateur radio transceiver is
- supposed to be doing in a car.
- Greece has to abide by regulations governing all the EC
- countries. But Greeks in particular, according to one customs
- officer, are perceived as a nation of smugglers due to Greece's
- high taxes; consequently they are stopped routinely. This reporter
- was stopped while a German family with a video camera proudly
- displayed passed into the territory without any problem.
- This is illegal according to EC regulations, as is not knowing
- the rules and regulations of a country (which this customs
- officer did not). After having everything written into my
- passport I was told "hurry up and leave before I make you pay."
- I have taken action by writing a letter to the EC with all the
- details in hopes that in the future other Greeks will be able to visit
- without fear of confiscation or imposition of fines.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LIMERICK, IRELAND (NB) -- ViewFinder and PathFinder are two
- programs that offer a windowed environment which can trace a
- program in either machine or source code. ViewFinder is supplied
- free of charge when the user also purchases one of Ashling
- Microsystems' development systems.
- Standard or user defined windows are available together with
- various breakpoints. On top of these, virtual windows can also
- be defined. By adding the PathFinder program, you can trace code
- anywhere and in any format desired. For those hard-to-find bugs,
- the program offers trace and compare instructions. The programs
- are available for PLM/51, but versions for C on the 8051,
- 68HC11, Z80 and 64180 uPs are planned for 1989.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS (NB) -- Intel Scientific Computers, a
- subsidiary of Intel, today announced an agreement with LUCID,
- INC., the leader in Common LISP, to distribute Lucid's LISP on
- the iPSC(TM)/2 family of concurrent supercomputers.
- This agreement, which is the first for Lucid and its LISP
- compiler, is designed to make available to customers of Intel's
- PSC range the LISP language. At the signing ceremony, David
- Billstrom, marketing manager for ISC said, "More than 20% of our
- users ordered LISP with our first generation systems, resulting in
- important work in distributed Artificial Intelligence
- applications, such as battle management and multiple robot
- coordination."
- iPSC/2 systems are 16 to 128 80386 based processors linked
- together in a parallel environment, each one connected to a
- Weitek or Intel 80387 mathematics coprocessor.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (NB) -- The latest incarnation of the 10-year
- old Wordstar has emerged as Wordstar Professional release 5.
- The best selling word processor, tested at NEWSBYTES EUROPE offices
- was found to be as excellent as its makers claim it to be.
- The Advanced Page Preview offers a fast way to see how the
- printed document will appear and the Telmerge option allows a user
- to enter telecommunications data into his document directly. The
- product, which is very fast, offers the usual CTRL key command
- sequence or the new menu-based user interface according to IBM's SAA
- proposals.
- Wordstar release 5 will be marketed together with the Wordstar
- 2000 Legal and Personal Editions and the Easy, low-end word
- processor. According to the company, more than 300 new features
- have been added, including a 200,000 word thesaurus.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- PARIS, FRANCE (NB) -- IBM has announced new products designed
- for artificial intelligence applications. These products include a new
- version of IBM Expert Systems Environment, a new version of IBM
- Knowledge Tool, and a new product called IBM KEE, which denotes
- Knowledge Engineering Environment.
- Version 2 of Expert Systems Environment allows the client to
- insert AI applications within programs already existing which
- have been written using various languages. For example, the
- program links AI applications with CICS and IMS/VS support
- products.
- Knowledge Tool, version 2, offers a newer version of this window
- based AI program and KEE constitutes a version developed for
- System 370 users running with the MVS operating system. KEE is
- developed by Intellicorp of Mountain View, California.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- The THIRD BENELUX Macintosh convention will be held in
- Antwerp from 27th to 29th October 1988. This event is sponsored
- by the MAC CLUB Benelux, one of NEWSBYTES' customers...
- ...TRIAD SEMICONDUCTORS of The Netherlands has developed
- two new RAM chips that offer address and data latches;
- RAM chips can retrieve data while the processor is reading older
- data from the data latches. The parts which offer 25 to 45ns
- access time will cost about $25 each...
- ...The SIFU Institute of Sweden organizes an OS/2
- conference called "OS/2 - Foundation for the Future" in
- Stockholm and Amsterdam, 24-25 Oct and 27-28 Oct respectively.
- The conference is designed to offer OS/2 details and information
- which will be useful to companies planning to implement OS/2...
- ...WASLET, a Belgian company, has taken up the distribution
- of RADID SYSTEMS, a US supplier of laboratory products for PCs.
- Products include I/O cards, oscilloscope adapters and
- digitizers...
- ...PHILIPS (of The Netherlands) and FULCRUM (of Ottawa,
- Canada) have signed a worldwide license agreement on Ful/text, a
- multi-platform, full-text indexing and retrieval package for CD
- users...
- ...APPLE will participate at the upcoming BUREAU 88
- exhibition in Brussels next week (it will be covered by NEWSBYTES
- EUROPE). Apple will show connectivity, Hypercard applications, and
- Macintosh IIx will also be shown...
- ...The POPE is set top read electronic mail through a new
- electronic mail system which will be installed at the Vatican by
- Italcable. He may even read NEWSBYTES...
- ...and finally, ERICSSON will sell digital telephone
- systems in China as well as to the University of Massachussets
- which will be used to connect its campuses. The value of these
- sales is placed at $30 million.
- ====
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- To the gang of nine who conspired to develop the
- Extended Industry Standard Architecture bus to challenge IBM's
- Micro Channel Architecture (MCA), add a few names: 3Com, Acer
- Technologies, Adaptec, ALR, Ashton-Tate, AT&T Information
- Systems, Autodesk, Borland, DCA, Dell, DEC, Digital Research,
- Everex, Intel, Iomega, Kaypro, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, Peter
- Norton, Quadram, Quarterdeck, SCO, Symantec, Tandon, Televideo,
- Unisys, Western Digital, Wang, and Wordperfect. And by the time
- you read this, the number of computer hardware and software
- companies aligned with the rival bus is likely to have grown.
- This bus is getting a lot of passengers.
- The nine originators of EISA (Compaq Computer Corp., AST
- Research Inc., Epson America Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., NEC Corp.,
- Ing C. Olivetti & Co., Tandy Corp., Wyse Technology, and Zenith
- Data Systems Corp.) are taking a big risk with the new 32-bit
- bus. They are gambling that IBM won't immediately hit the market
- with a flurry of add-on boards that really use the MCA bus to the
- maximum. The fact that the challengers won't have products out
- for the new bus until late next year gives IBM a window of
- opportunity. They also risk that, facing the confusion that the
- bus war creates, buyers will sit it out until a real winner
- emerges. Or buyers might just move to Apple and its NuBus.
- Finally, the clone makers are also gambling that IBM won't
- fire back with a buckshot load of litigation.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- RYE BROOK, N.Y. (NB) -- IBM is not taking the assault of the
- clone makers lying down. Big Blue issued a series of disdainful
- comments about EISA, some hints at litigation, and a flurry of
- new hardware and software product announcements, including the
- long-rumored return to the AT bus for the entry-level PS/2
- computers. Said one IBM observer, "IBM is sowing the usual FUD."
- That's "fear, uncertainty, and doubt," the usual IBM response to
- outside challengers.
- At a press conference held the same time as the clone bus
- announcement, IBM sniffed that EISA is proof that the steam has
- run out of the AT bus. So power users can either wait a year for
- the products that take advantage of the new bus, or opt for MCA.
- Also, Nicholas Donofrio of IBM's personal computer division
- reminded a Dow Jones reporter that IBM has patents on technology
- that might be used in EISA. Just because the clonesters avoided
- the MCA design "doesn't mean that they don't use our intellectual
- assets," he said, hinting strongly at litigation.
- Also, IBM responded with the new PS/2 Model 30 286, which uses
- the 80286 processor rather than the 8086 of the original Model
- 30 and the AT data bus, rather than MCA. In typical IBM fashion,
- it's a rather conservative machine. The processor runs at 10 mHz,
- and addresses a standard 512 kilobytes of RAM. The machine comes
- with a 20-megabyte hard drive (80 milliseconds access time) for a
- suggested retail of $2,595 and a machine without the hard drive
- for $1,995. IBM also announced RPG II Application Platform and
- RPG II Application Toolkit, software from the System 36
- environment that will allow PS/2 machines with MCA and OS/2 to
- operate as multiuser systems, with PC-XTs, ATs, and other PS/2
- machines as terminals. IBM says the best configuration would be
- two to four workstations.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- BOSTON (NB) -- A researcher at the Lahey Clinic Medical Center
- says a two-year study has identified a respiratory malady that
- afflicts primarily workers involved in computer manufacturing and
- electrical engineering. Dr. Joseph Andrews calls it "high-tech
- lung." Andrews said he had studied the disease in 15 patients
- from around New England. Andrews says high-tech lung is the
- result of inhaling chemical fumes and dusts, such as the
- chemicals used for fabricating and electroplating chips and the
- chemicals used in soldering circuit boards. "It's something that
- is really fairly new," said the pulmonary specialist. "I had
- thought the high-tech industry, as opposed to steel or coal, was
- a clean industry." A Massachusetts High Tech Council spokesman
- Chris Anderson said he had not seen the study but questioned
- whether it is broad enough to make industry-wide conclusions.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- WASHINGTON (NB) -- The Software Publishers Association has
- awarded Platinum Labels to 17 programs that have sold more than
- 250,000 copies. The 17 were produced by six different companies.
- We have the envelope. And the winners are:
- * Accolade for Hardball and Test Drive
- * Broderbund for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, Print
- Shop Companion, and Load Runner.
- * Data East USA for Karate Champ, Ring King and Karnov
- * Electronic Arts for Music Construction Set, Advanced Flight
- Trainer, Pinball Construction Set and Skyfox.
- * Epyx for Summer Games 1, Winter Games, California Games and
- Fast Load.
- * Microprose for Gunship.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (NB) -- Lotus Development Corp. says it is
- seeing "a little softness" in sales during its current quarter,
- as buyers wait for Release 3.0 of its flagship 1-2-3 spreadsheet
- program. Lotus also blamed a seasonal slow-down in Europe for part
- of what is expected to be disappointing quarter. Some stock
- analysts are predicting that earnings for the year at Lotus will
- fall for the first time in the six-year history of the company.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- WASHINGTON (NB) -- The airline computer reservation systems
- provided to travel agents by five U.S. airlines are stifling
- competition, according the General Accounting Office. The
- congressional watchdog agency also said that the Department of
- Transportation has failed to protect consumers by eliminating the
- "anti-competitive features" of the reservation systems. GAO said
- the reservation systems are yielding profits "exceeding those
- that could reasonably be expected to be earned in a competitive
- market." The reservation systems collect a fee from the airline
- when a seat is selected and also charge the travel agents an
- annual fee. American Airlines' SABRE has 43 percent of the
- market, with United Airlines' Apollo system with 32 percent.
- PARS, owned by Northwest and TWA, has 10 percent. Texas Air's
- System One also has 10 percent and Delta's DATAS II has five
- percent.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, known as "the
- Digger" for his Australian origins, has bought 150,000 shares of
- Howtek, Inc., stock and says he wants to buy more. Murdoch's New
- America Holdings Inc. now owns about 2.4 percent of Howtek's
- stock and has a letter of agreement with Howtek to buy up to five
- percent of the maker of ink jet color peripherals for the
- microcomputer market.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- NORWOOD, Mass. (NB) -- Microcom Inc. has rolled out a family of
- four IBM PC-AT-based remote local area network bridges that
- connect Ethernet LANS to Token Ring LANS. The product includes
- the LAN interface, a wide area network interface, and software.
- The LAN Bridge is compatible with the PS/2 Models 30 and 50 and
- the AT and AT clones, according to Microcom. "Our market research
- indicates that large corporate end-users want a bridging system
- that is based on the popular IBM-PC platform," says Microcom Vice
- President Richard Sterry.
- CONTACT: Microcom Inc., (617) 762-9310
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- Lord Geller, the advertising agency that
- recently lost the IBM account, has cut its 270-person staff by
- nearly 100. The laid-off employees will get 90 days pay, unless
- they find other jobs sooner. The $120 million IBM account
- represented more than half of Lord Geller's total billings of
- $230 million in 1987. But Lord Geller will survive. There had
- been rumors that the IBM defection would result in WPP Group PLC,
- Lord Geller's owner, merging the agency with another WPP
- subsidiary, J. Walter Thompson.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- HARRISBURG, Pa. (NB) -- Two computer specialists and the former
- director of computer operations for the Pennsylvania Welfare
- Department have been charged with accepting gifts from companies
- attempting to do business with the department. The charges are
- violations of the state's Ethics Act. The welfare workers are
- alleged to have received free trips, free tickets to sporting
- events, a free computer, and consulting fees. Investigators are
- also looking into contracts between the department and Unisys
- Corp. The former Sperry Corp. merged with Burroughs to form
- Unisys. Sperry supplies Pennsylvania with computer services. The
- Sperry end of Unisys is also under investigation for alleged
- corruption in Pentagon contracts.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- CHELMSFORD, Mass. (NB) -- MRS Technology says it has invented a
- machine that will make flat color screens that are larger
- than currently available. The company says its $1.2 million
- machine can produce a color monitor that is 18 inches diagonal.
- MRS expects to market the device to Japanese TV manufacturers.
- The screens are likely to be expensive, at least initially.
- According to an Arthur D. Little analyst quoted in THE WALL
- STREET JOURNAL, monochrome flat screens cost about two and a half
- times more than screens with conventional cathode ray tubes, and
- color models are likely to be far more costly than that.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- purchased APPLIED DATA RESEARCH, INC., Princeton, N.J., for $170
- million from AMERITECH, which acquired Applied Data in 1986 for
- $217 million.
- DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP., Maynard, Mass., has contracted with KMW
- SYSTEMS CORP., Austin, Texas, for Auscom programmable channel
- interfaces. No terms announced. The interface is used in
- Digital's DEC ChannelServer in the DECnet-SNA Gateway-CT.
- IBM, Armonk, N.Y., has picked IRWIN MAGNETIC SYSTEMS Inc. of Ann
- Arbor, Mich., to supply minicartridge tape backups for the PS/2
- line of personal computers. Shipments have begun.
- APOLLO COMPUTER INC., Chelmsford, Mass., has formed a new
- division, the Portable Software Products Group, to market
- software for other vendor's equipment, including the network
- software recently licensed by IBM.
- ADAGE INC., Billerica, Mass., which designs, makes and markets
- interactive computer graphics systems, has laid off nearly 30
- people, as a cost-cutting measure.
- OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, Lawrence, Mass., has six new members:
- AT&T, Morristown, N.J., will begin marketing a telephone call
- billing system for hotels, hospitals and other resellers of
- telephone service written by MOSCOM CORP., East Rochester, N.Y.
- The MS-DOS product runs on the AT&T 6300 WGS and compatibles.
- AT&T will market it as Call Accounting System/Hospitality, or
- CAS/H (now, isn't that clever?).
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- "The summer of 1988 is winding up as one of the most confusing
- periods in the history of the personal-computer market. It has
- left some of the industry's biggest players looking like
- competitors in a game of Twister, bent into pretzels from staking
- out mismatched pieces of the market."
- The Wall Street Journal
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- It's been a busy week, with the four-day PC
- Show taking place in London. Attendances were reported as way up
- on previous years, although several media sources reported the
- show as a bit quiet on the new product front. NEWSBYTES UK wore
- out its shoes at the show, and brings you details of some
- interesting new products...
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Mirrorsoft unveiled an Icon-driven E-mail
- package called Personal Assistant at the show. The package seems
- to take up where Micropro's Wordstar Messenger leaves off. Only a
- Hayes-compatible modem and mouse are mandatory with the #199
- package, which will hit the streets in November.
- "It's designed to be totally user-friendly and not require any
- knowledge of online services," Jon Norledge, Mirrorsoft's product
- manager, told NEWSBYTES UK.
- He's right too. The package allows you to prepare, view and print
- E-mail offline. You then allow the program to take care of the
- rest of the tasks. Seven and eight-bit files can be transmitted
- over seven-bit networks, and the package even works with online
- database gateways available through Telecom Gold, the service
- it's designed to work with.
- Does it work? NEWSBYTES UK had a quick hands-on with the package
- and report that it works - even under MS-Windows. This could be
- what the E-mail industry has been waiting for.
- VERDICT: Looks a good package, which can be integrated with
- user's existing Telecom Gold (Dialcom) accounts. Worth
- keeping an eye out for.
- CONTACT: MIRRORSOFT - 01-377-4645 (E-mail on Dialcom 76:GAM007)
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Olivetti took the limelight on day one of the
- show with a revamped version of its existing PC laptop, the M15
- Plus, and the M200, a desktop PC aimed at the lucrative
- educational market-place.
- The M15 Plus now has 20Mb hard disk and a new backlit supertwist,
- transflective, LCD screen. Don't expect any stunning pricing,
- however, as the machine weighs in at #1,352.
- The M200 looks more interesting. It comes in four different
- flavours, each centering around a NEC V40 8MHz microprocessor.
- Prices for the 640K machine start at #849 for a twin-floppy unit,
- rising to #1,095 for a 20Mb machine. Olivetti is also offering a
- 20 per cent discount to educational establishments on these
- prices.
- VERDICT: The laptop looks a bit pricey, but the M200 desktop PC
- could be a cheap way into the desktop PC world for
- many users.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- BRADFORD, WEST YORKSHIRE (NB) -- Pace Micro Technology launched
- several new modems at the show, including several with MNP error-
- correction as a value-added extra.
- The new modems are the: Linnet 2400 at #385, Linnet 2400
- Executive at #469, Linnet 2400 PC Card at #299; Linnet 2400 PC
- Card Executive at #359, Linnet 1200 PC Card at #229, Linnet 1200
- PC Card Executive at #329, and an Executive version of the
- existing Linnet 1200 free-standing modem at #302.
- All Executive versions include the Pace ECU (Error Correction
- Unit) which is capable of MNP level 4 and E-Pad error correction
- within firmware.
- VERDICT: The inclusion of MNP level 4 error correction makes the
- modems an interesting alternative to the standard high-
- speed modems currently on the market. Worth considering.
- E-Mail on Dialcom 79:PCE001.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Psion unveiled a purpose-built printer for its
- hand-held Organiser II series of computers. The printer takes 4.5
- inch thermal paper, with the computer fitting in cradle-like.
- Pricing? No-one on stand seemed to know the printer's price, and
- the company's literature didn't help either. Expect the printer
- some time in November. Let's hope they know what the price is by
- then.
- CONTACT: PSION PLC - 01-723-9408
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE (NB) - Victor unveiled its first
- floor-standing computer system at the show, the V386T. The 16MHz
- 80386-based machine in available in three configurations, and
- comes with a choice of 3.5 or 5.25 inch floppies, as well as 130
- or 230Mb hard disk systems. Pricing for a 2.5 MB system
- (expandable to 16Mb onboard) starts at #4,729. Expansion is via
- an eight-slot chassis.
- Bob Webb, Victor UK's MD, sees the V386T as a powerful
- file server: "We designed the V386T to effectively manage local
- area networks. It offers users the expansion capabilities
- required to effectively cope with a large network and fulfills the
- capacity and performance demands created in multi-user
- environments," he said.
- VERDICT: Nice and powerful, but at a price...
- CONTACT: VICTOR UK - 0494-461600
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Viglen launched three new PCs at the show -
- the Vig I, II and III series. The Vig 1 is an NEC V20 (8088-
- compatible) machine, whilst the II and III series are 80286 and
- 80386-driven.
- Pricing on the Vig I range starts at #529 for a 256K single-drive
- unit with mono monitor, single parallel and double serial ports.
- MS-Dos, Basic and a games port come as standard. Several
- configurations follow on through CGA and EGA graphics to a top of
- the range 30Mb hard disk machine with VGA graphics, 640 Ram etc.,
- at #1,299.
- The Vig II series starts at #1,349 for an 8/12MHz 80286 machine
- with 40Mb hard disk and all the Vig 1 series options, rising to
- #1,799 for a VGA graphics option.
- The Vig III series, meanwhile, tops the range off with an 8/12/20
- MHz 80386-based system unit with 40Mb hard disk. Pricing starts
- at #2,485 with VGA and 25MHz processor speed options pushing up
- to #3,245.
- VERDICT: Price-competitive, although hardly innovative.
- CONTACT: VIGLEN - 01-843-9903
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE (NB) -- Walters International, the
- budget clone company, stunned us all with a #1,260 80386-based
- PC. The Model 9000-16 machine has 1Mb of system Ram (expandable
- to 8Mb) and chugs along at 6 or 16MHz. It's basic, but it's
- cheap. Amazingly, the machine pricing includes a built-in
- clock/calendar card, serial port and monochrome monitor.
- The Model 9000-20, meanwhile, drops in price from #3,100 to just
- #1,865. System Ram has been reduced to 1Mb from 2Mb, but
- otherwise, the 20MHz 80386-based machine is as before in a tower
- case. Various multi-user configurations are available from #3,815
- for a three-user system, ranging to #9,715 for a 17-user system.
- Ed Moir, the company's sales director, says that low-cost 80386-
- based machines is what the market wants, and Walters can satisfy
- the demand at rock-bottom prices.
- "We've been waiting to see what happened with Microchannel and
- now believe it is a non-starter. We're therefore committing
- ourselves to this new lost-cost machine and to a new level of
- pricing on other 386 systems." he said.
- VERDICT: Nice pricing. Where did I put my chequebook?
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- CAMBRIDGE COMPUTER (0223-312216) has released Maclink, a package
- to link the Z88 laptop computer to AN Apple Macintosh. The #59-95
- package includes a master disk for the Mac, a Maclink Epsom
- cartridge for the Z88 and a serial cable to link the two
- machines...
- DABS PRESS (0727-38781) has launched two new Dabhand guides for
- users of Wordstar 1512/Express and Supercalc 3. The #14-95 books
- look to offer good value...
- GERICMAR (01-878-9130) launched ACT!, an activity management
- system for the PC. The package costs #395 and is available in 3.5
- and 5.25 inch disk formats...
- MICROSTORAGE TECHNOLOGY (0734-730508) launched its IMAGER back-up
- card for the PC. The #175 full-length card allows hard disk and
- floppy data to be streamed to be backed up to a standard video
- recorder. Data transfer rate is 12K per second - equivalent to
- 10Mb in 11 minutes...
- SAMNA INTERNATIONAL (01-587-1121) unveiled ONE WORD PLUS, a
- budget version of its Samna IV word processing package. The #149
- package includes most of the features of Samna IV, including
- mail-merge and line drawing facilities...
- The TELEMAP GROUP (01-278-3143) announced that its Micronet
- online service is being licensed to Minitel, the French videotex
- service. The company also launched Interbusiness, a business-
- oriented database, on Prestel, the UK's public viewdata
- network...
- And now the rest of the week's news...
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- BRENTWOOD, MIDDLESEX -- As revealed in last week's NEWSBYTES UK
- (preen, preen), Amstrad went ahead and unveiled its PC2000 series
- of micros. Also unveiled was the PC200 series, the so-called
- Sinclair Professional machines starting at #299.
- The PC200 series of machines come with a basic 512K of system
- Ram. Three machines will initially be available, ranging in price
- from #299 to #499. The entry-level machine, which includes a TV
- modulator, comes is a black casing, and will include a mouse, GW-
- Basic and Gem-3 as standard.
- The intermediate PC200, selling for (you guessed) #399, comes
- with a monochrome monitor, joystick, organiser and four games.
- The top of the range modem comes with a colour monitor, as well
- as a mouse and a variety of bundled software.
- All three machines are 8MHz 8086-based and come with an integral
- 3.5 inch disk drive. Although the case is a one-piecer (ala Atari
- 520ST/Amiga 500), the top of the case can be removed to reveal
- two full size PC expansion slots.
- Also unveiled at Amstrad's marathon press launch last week were
- four PC VGA-compatible monitors, designed to work with the PC2000
- series. Pricing on the new monitors range from #149 to #499.
- Finally, for communications enthusiasts, Amstrad unveiled the
- SM2400, a free-standing version of its now-famous quad-standard
- PC card modem. The SM2400 will retail for #249 - #50 more than
- the PC card modem - but is still considerably less than the price
- of other, comparable units on the market.
- CONTACT: AMSTRAD PLC, Brentwood House, 169 Kings Road,
- Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4EF. Tel: 0277-230222.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- IPSWICH, UK (NB) -- Miracom, formerly known as Miracle
- Technology, has restructured its entry-level and mid-price modem
- range. In addition, it has launched PS/2 versions of its modems
- at no extra cost to the end user.
- The WS3000 V21/23 modem falls in price to #132 and gains tone-
- dialling and a call-monitor loudspeaker on its feature list. The
- modem has a re-styled fascia and comes in a grey case. A PC and
- PS/2 card version of the modem is now available for the same
- price, and includes security and Datasoft's Datatalk software as
- a free extra.
- The WS4000 series of modems now start at #295 for a V21/22/23
- tri-standard unit. A quad-standard (V21/22/22Bis/23) unit now
- costs #425. Call progress detection and monitoring are now added
- to the WS4000's modem feature list. As with the WS3000, PC and
- PS/2 card versions - known as the Keycard 3000 series - are also
- available at the same price and include Protect 3000 security and
- Datatalk software at no extra charge.
- According to Neil Mellor, marketing manager for Miracom's
- datacomms division, the modems include a two-year warranty and
- are highly price competitive.
- "We've launched versions for the PS/2 series at no extra charge,
- unlike some of our competitors. We don't think the PS/2 bus
- warrants any extra cost," he said.
- CONTACT: MIRACOM LTD., Miracom Centre,
- Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate, Ipswich IP2 0HB.
- Tel: 0473-233888. Email: Dialcom 79:KEY001.
- [***][9/20/88][***]
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- + BRITBYTES - Bytes of news from around the UK... +
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- ATARI UK (0753-33344) has reversed last March's #100 price rise
- on the 520ST by cutting the price back to #299. The price rise
- officially takes effect from 1 October, although some dealers
- reduced their pricing as soon as the announcement was made last
- week...
- CITIZEN (0895-72621) has launched three new printers - two laser
- and one dot matrix. The lasers are the Overture 12 and 106 which
- run at 12 and 6 pages per minute respectively. The Overture 106
- looks price-competitive at #1,595. The 180E dot-matrix printer
- prices in a (comparatively) modest #229 and gets you a 180cps
- nine-pin printer for your money...
- COMMODORE UK (0628-770088) hasn't cut the price of its AMIGA 500
- machines to match Atari's 520ST price cut (see above), but it is
- bundling the previously optional TV modulator - worth #30 -
- within the A500's #399 price tag...
- FRONTIER SOFTWARE (0423-67140) has begun shipping a 120Mb version
- of the Supradrive for the Atari ST. According to Martin Walsh,
- Frontier's marketing manager, the #1,478.21 drive, gives the user
- a middle ground between the company's low and high-end hard disks
- for the ST...
- PROTEK (01-245-6844) has developed a version of its TEKBASE
- relational database package for Hewlett-Packard's HP-UX Unix-
- based computers, and is working on Unix versions for other
- machines. Previously, the package only ran on H-P 200 and 300
- series of micros...